Press release pursuant to art.114 paragraph 5 of legislative decree no. 58/199
With regard to the news disseminated in the press and at Consob's specific request, SNAI Spa (“SNAI” or the “Company”) wishes to clarify that the suspension of the harness racing activities at the San Siro racetrack in Milan is solely due to the contraction in horse racing wagers and the changed context of relationships with UNIRE-ASSI.
No information in such regard originating from sources other than official press releases of the Company can be ascribed to the Company or considered credible.
Moreover, with regard to the legal proceedings concerning the alleged tax liability and supplementation of the minimum guaranteed amounts for years 2006/2011, SNAI informs that there are no significant updates on announcements made in the past.
With reference to the first matter, judgment no. 214/2012 issued by the Auditors Court, Regional Section of Lazio has been appealed by SNAI and the filing of the appeal (which is still pending before the third central appellate section of the Auditors Court) automatically suspends by law the enforceability of the judgment.
With reference to the second matter, the Lazio TAR suspended the enforceability of the request for supplementation of the guaranteed minimums for years 2006/2011 made by AAMS. At the hearing held on 5 December 2012, the merits of the claims were discussed but, to date, the final judgment has not yet been filed. Therefore, at present, the payment request made by AAMS remains suspended.