Sustainability Report

Letter from the CEO

“We have come a long way but our challenge remains to keep out-performing ourselves and improve our results in the future”

Fabio Schiavolin

CEO Snaitech

Highlights 2023

Economic and financial performance (MLN €)

  • Revenues
  • Value added produced and distributed

Social performance

  • Total employees
  • Training hours provided
  • %

    Female employees

Regulated Market

Against all forms of illegality

In the regulatory framework governing public gaming in Italy, concessionaires play a fundamental role since they are called upon to assume precise responsibilities to guarantee the protection of legality. Snaitech fulfils this commitment in its identity dimension, not only by complying with the regulations in force, but also by pursuing an active policy of combating any form of illegality or irregularity and promoting responsible gaming.

  • Hours of employee training on compliance (+113% vs 2022)
  • +%

    Increased investment in cybersecurity (vs 2022)
  • ISO 27.001

    Information security certification renewed
  • G4

    Responsible Online Gaming certification renewed


Looking to the future is not enough, it must be foreseen

Snaitech's leadership is based on its ability to innovate, anticipating or even launching new trends in a sector that is characterised by a strong vocation for innovation and a very high technological content. This ability also enables the group to act in compliance with the requirements of continuously evolving regulations and is also applied in the area of player safety.

  • Applications for the sport & wellness start-up project "WeSportUp Accelerator", of which Snaitech is Corporate Partner
  • +%

    increase in the number of points of sale involved in the "Innova" project (vs 2022)
  • hours of training delivered to points of sale
  • Betsmart


Development must be responsible

Snaitech conceives its business activities within the principles of sustainable development, embracing an idea of growth according to which the demands of economic efficiency and legitimate profit must be consistent with environmental protection and social development. In recent years, the company has in fact accelerated the pace towards the creation of a model of shared value creation, implementing practices and initiatives that strengthen its competitiveness and at the same time protect or improve the local environment and community.

  • %

    Energy from renewable sources
  • trees planted between 2022 and 2023
  • Company volunteers
  • beneficiaries reached through the projects supported by the Snaitech Foundation

We care un sacco

Let's clean our cities from plastic

We care un sacco

Let's clean our cities from plastic

The catastrophic effects produced by plastic pollution on the environment are increasingly worrying: every year, 570,000 million tonnes of plastic end up in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the equivalent of 33,800 plastic bottles thrown into the sea every minute. Faced with this situation, Snaitech, through no profit organization dedicated to good causes Fondazione Snaitech, has continued in 2023 to support Plastic Free, the most important voluntary association active in the fight against plastic pollution and in safeguarding our ecosystem.

In detail, on 5 June, World Environment Day, Snaitech employees were involved in a corporate volunteering activity through three plastic and waste clean-up events held in the cities of Snaitech's three headquarters (Rome, Milan and Lucca).

As a result of the 2023 collaboration, it should be noted that 120 kg of plastic and waste were collected and removed, and that this action represents a concrete example of Snaitech's contribution to achieving the SDGs identified by the Group.

Unisciti al volontariato

Volunteering project with Fondazione Francesca Rava

Unisciti al volontariato

Volunteering project with Fondazione Francesca Rava

For more than 10 years Fondazione Francesca Rava and Fondazione Snaitech have partnered to implement projects in favour of minors living in difficult conditions in Italy. More specifically, in 2023, the support of Fondazione Snaitech focused on supporting the educational activities dedicated to minors housed in a number of foster homes located in the territories of Snaitech's main offices (Lombardy, Tuscany and Lazio).

The great novelty of 2023 concerned the launch of a volunteer project, accompanied by an internal engagement campaign called 'UNISCITI al VOLOntariato', aimed at involving Snaitech colleagues in volunteer activities in foster homes. The project consisted of 6 events between October and December, and involved 4 communities supported by the non-profit organisation in Rome, Milan and Empoli.

Snaitech volunteers had the opportunity to get personally involved, bringing and donating their enthusiasm, time, work and friendship, and supporting the structures in numerous activities: from gardening to the renovation of environments, up to the sharing of festive moments at Christmas.


A lot of people create change. A lot of trees create a forest.


A lot of people create change. A lot of trees create a forest.

On National Tree Day - which is celebrated every 21 November - Snaitech has confirmed its collaboration with Rete Clima - Impresa Sociale in sustainability and decarbonisation initiatives for 2023. The collaboration with the non-profit organisation continues after the success of the campaign "PIANTALA! A lot of people create change. A lot of trees create a forest”, which has seen the planting of 3,200 new trees in the three Italian regions where the company is based: Tuscany, Lazio and Lombardy.

Snaitech - through its no profit organization - has provided support to the Climate Network campaign, sponsored by MASE and Masaf, 'Foresta Italia', which intervenes on a national level with concrete forestation and national forest management activities.

For 2023 Rete Clima and Fondazione Snaitech have chosen to commit to a series of local projects that include planting actions, support for forest care in newly planted areas, increasing biodiversity and contributing to Sustainable forest management.

“I decided to participate as a volunteer because it is a unique opportunity to get involved with the young people at the Special Olympics. This experience has filled me with positive energy and gratitude.”

Carmen Clemensi

"Each of us, with a small gesture, was part of a great change. This is how we planted a forest of 3,200 trees; a testimony of our commitment to the future."

Ivan Dovico Lupo

Process Compliance Manager


The true heart of the Group

Human capital, an indispensable strategic asset, is Snaitech's real strength. Caring for people, one of the group’s pillars of social responsibility, is reflected in the continuous action towards creating an environment of positive, inclusive and meritocratic work, within which everyone can express themselves freely, be valued for their abilities and enhance their skills.

  • %

    New hires under 30
  • +

    Increase in training hours to employees (vs 2022)
  • %

    Employees hired on permanent contracts
  • %

    Female members of the Board of Directors

We collaborate with:

  • valore D
  • parks liberi e uguali

The work of the future is also in Italy.


Cervelli in fuga snaitech


Snaitech's top priority is the development and enrichment of the consumer experience through principles of safety, usability, and technological innovation; this is why it is constantly looking for talented people to whom it can offer an inclusive, meritocratic, dynamic, and fast-growing working environment both on the Italian market and internationally.

These are the principles that guided the launch of Snaitech's first 'Coding Challenge': until 25 June 2023, anyone interested in putting their computer skills to the test could take part in two challenges: Coding Front-End Developer and Coding Back-End Developer. The candidates tested their programming and writing skills in the main computer languages (HTML, JavaScript, etc.). But that's not all: all those who participated then had the opportunity to showcase their skills and make themselves known to Snaitech at the closing event.

Through the Coding Challenge - accompanied by the campaign ‘Cervelli in fuga Snaitech. Anche in Italia esiste il lavoro del futuro’ (literally “Brains on the run in Snaitech. The job of the future is also in Italy”) - the company sought to issue a personal challenge to the young talents, to test their skills in an original and intuitive way. After all, it was nothing more than a prevue of what it means to work at Snaitech.

Non Restare allo stato bradipo


Non Restare allo stato bradipo

New technologies are evolving at an ever-faster pace, the web is becoming a jungle and we cannot afford to go at a sloth’s pace. It is time to wake up and explore this new technological habitat, which has now become an integral and natural part of our daily lives.

It is this reflection that led to the creation of the 'Non restare allo stato bradipo' project, an initiative engaging Snaitech employees in a totally new digital adventure!
Through a series of digital workshops, employees were involved in training events to improve awareness of the rapid changes taking place and enhance the skills needed to understand and effectively use the new tools available.

The first event, 'Building together the Map of Change', was dedicated to digital awareness: from the use of Cloud and IoT technologies to artificial intelligence, to be faster, more agile and more innovative.

The event was accompanied by a fun internal communication campaign involving boxes full of oranges placed in the main offices throughout the region, with a direct invitation to all employees to enjoy a boost of vitamin C before the courses. The project continued in 2024 with new training events focused on digital culture.

Building the future,

one step at a time
